DTS Solution presents at I-SAFE 2014 ISACA UAE Chapter

DTS Solution presents at I-SAFE 2014 ISACA UAE Chapter

Mohamed Bedewi – demonstrated with live screenshots of the vulnerabilities discovered across major organizations using different ethical hacking techniques. Organizations with a very high security maturity level with sophisticated security tools to the ones that did not invest in security were all compromised using different attack vectors – from poor web application development, misconfigured network and security infrastructure, reverse engineering security controls and being able to bypass physical security were just some of the scenarios presented to demonstrate how “hackers” thought process varies from target to target.
Shah Sheikh – presented on different niche security areas such as Security for (IoT) Internet of Things, Smart Medical Devices and ICS/SCADA. IoT is playing a key role in technology consumerization and security plays a significant role in its uptake. From insecure WIFI enabled thermostats to Smart TV’s that watch your every move were demonstrated in the presentation. Details on performing penetration testing across Smart Medical Devices such as Insulin Pumps and X-Ray Machines were also shared where more industry research is required as Smart Healthcare Services become the norm in being able to provide real-time data with little or inadequate provision for cyber security risks.

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