Executive Roundtable on Addressing Human Risk to Build Cyber Resilience

On May 23rd, 2024, DTS Solution, in partnership with Phishrod and Trinexia, hosted an insightful and dynamic Executive Roundtable focusing on “Addressing Human Risk to Build Cyber Resilience.” This exclusive event brought together industry leaders, cybersecurity experts, and strategic partners to delve into the evolving landscape of human risk management and its critical role in cybersecurity.

Leadership Insights from Syed Abid Ali

Syed Abid Ali, CCO and Co-Founder of Phishrod, led the discussions with an emphasis on how human risk management goes beyond traditional security awareness, training, and phishing defenses. He explored the importance of building a robust Human Risk Management (HRM) program where metrics and KPIs become key to success. The conversation also covered harnessing awareness through gamification and augmenting the learning experience with VR and AR technologies.
DTS Solution and Phishrod host Executive Roundtable
On May 23rd, 2024, DTS Solution, in partnership with Phishrod and Trinexia, hosted an insightful and dynamic Executive Roundtable focusing on “Addressing Human Risk to Build Cyber Resilience.” This exclusive event brought together industry leaders, cybersecurity experts, and strategic partners to delve into the evolving landscape of human risk management and its critical role in cybersecurity.
Leadership Insights from Syed Abid Ali
DTS Solution and Phishrod host Executive Roundtable
Syed Abid Ali, CCO and Co-Founder of Phishrod, led the discussions with an emphasis on how human risk management goes beyond traditional security awareness, training, and phishing defenses. He explored the importance of building a robust Human Risk Management (HRM) program where metrics and KPIs become key to success. The conversation also covered harnessing awareness through gamification and augmenting the learning experience with VR and AR technologies.

The Importance of Human Risk Management

In the world of cybersecurity, we often focus on the latest technologies, the most advanced firewalls, and cutting-edge encryption methods. While these are undeniably important, we must not forget that the most sophisticated system can be compromised by a simple human error. This is why human risk management is not just a component of cybersecurity; it is its cornerstone.

Human risk management involves understanding and mitigating the risks that come from human behavior. It is about recognizing that people, not just systems, can be the weakest link in our security chain. This is where our partnership with Phishrod becomes invaluable.

The Importance of Human Risk Management

In the world of cybersecurity, we often focus on the latest technologies, the most advanced firewalls, and cutting-edge encryption methods. While these are undeniably important, we must not forget that the most sophisticated system can be compromised by a simple human error. This is why human risk management is not just a component of cybersecurity; it is its cornerstone.

Human risk management involves understanding and mitigating the risks that come from human behavior. It is about recognizing that people, not just systems, can be the weakest link in our security chain. This is where our partnership with Phishrod becomes invaluable.

Holistic Approach to Human Risk

Phishrod specializes in identifying and managing human risks through a holistic approach focusing on awareness, education, and behavior modification. They believe, as do we at DTS Solution, that the key to robust cybersecurity lies in empowering people.

Consider the statistic that over 90% of cyber incidents can be traced back to human error. This includes everything from clicking on a phishing link to using weak passwords or falling prey to social engineering attacks. These errors are not just mistakes; they are opportunities for us to improve and fortify our defenses.

At DTS Solution, we have integrated Phishrod’s methodologies into our services to provide a comprehensive approach to human risk management. This includes regular training sessions, phishing simulations, and continuous education programs. We also focus on creating a culture of security within organizations, where every individual feels responsible and empowered to protect sensitive information.

Holistic Approach to Human Risk

Phishrod specializes in identifying and managing human risks through a holistic approach focusing on awareness, education, and behavior modification. They believe, as do we at DTS Solution, that the key to robust cybersecurity lies in empowering people.

Consider the statistic that over 90% of cyber incidents can be traced back to human error. This includes everything from clicking on a phishing link to using weak passwords or falling prey to social engineering attacks. These errors are not just mistakes; they are opportunities for us to improve and fortify our defenses.

At DTS Solution, we have integrated Phishrod’s methodologies into our services to provide a comprehensive approach to human risk management. This includes regular training sessions, phishing simulations, and continuous education programs. We also focus on creating a culture of security within organizations, where every individual feels responsible and empowered to protect sensitive information.

Innovative Strategies for Effective Training

One of the most effective strategies we use is gamification. By turning security training into interactive and engaging experiences, we increase participation and retention. Employees learn not just the ‘how’ but also the ‘why’ of security protocols, which is crucial for lasting behavioral change.
Let us share a success story. One of our clients, a mid-sized financial institution, faced repeated phishing attacks. After implementing our human risk management program, they saw a 95% reduction in successful phishing attempts within six months. This wasn’t just a win for their cybersecurity department; it was a win for every employee who became more aware and vigilant.
Innovative Strategies for Effective Training

One of the most effective strategies we use is gamification. By turning security training into interactive and engaging experiences, we increase participation and retention. Employees learn not just the ‘how’ but also the ‘why’ of security protocols, which is crucial for lasting behavioral change.

Let us share a success story. One of our clients, a mid-sized financial institution, faced repeated phishing attacks. After implementing our human risk management program, they saw a 95% reduction in successful phishing attempts within six months. This wasn’t just a win for their cybersecurity department; it was a win for every employee who became more aware and vigilant.

Striking a Balance - Humans in Zero Trust
Striking a Balance - Humans in Zero Trust

The Role of HRM in Zero Trust Architecture

HRM plays a crucial role in zero trust architecture. Dynamic user and personal profiling based on entity behavior directly affects the type of training invoked for given personnel. This ensures that security measures are tailored to the specific needs and risks associated with each user, enhancing overall cybersecurity resilience.
The Role of HRM in Zero Trust Architecture
HRM plays a crucial role in zero trust architecture. Dynamic user and personal profiling based on entity behavior directly affects the type of training invoked for given personnel. This ensures that security measures are tailored to the specific needs and risks associated with each user, enhancing overall cybersecurity resilience.

To Wrap Up

Human risk management is not an optional extra; it is essential. By investing in our people and fostering a culture of security awareness, we can significantly reduce the risks associated with human behavior. Together with Phishrod, DTS Solution is committed to helping our clients achieve this goal. Our combined efforts ensure that human risk management becomes a foundational element of cybersecurity strategies, ultimately building stronger, more resilient organizations.
To Wrap Up
Human risk management is not an optional extra; it is essential. By investing in our people and fostering a culture of security awareness, we can significantly reduce the risks associated with human behavior. Together with Phishrod, DTS Solution is committed to helping our clients achieve this goal. Our combined efforts ensure that human risk management becomes a foundational element of cybersecurity strategies, ultimately building stronger, more resilient organizations.